Pete's 2019 Archives
Archives » 2019
In 2019 Pete Freitag wrote 36 articles on this blog.
Pete wrote about a lot of different topics in 2019, the most popular topics were articles on about coldfusion, aws, security, linux, bash, ubuntu, and logs.
Pete's most popular articles in 2019 were What is the difference between ASCII Chr(10) and Chr(13), and Complete Guide to Markdown Bullet Lists and Numbered Lists.
December 2019
November 2019
- Complete Guide to Markdown Bullet Lists and Numbered Lists
- Is it necessary to cfqueryparam all values?
- How to run Oracle DB on a Mac with Docker
October 2019
- Timing Attacks and the Timing-Allow-Origin Header
- Counting IP Addresses in a Log File
- Recursively Counting files by Extension on Mac or Linux
- Hacktoberfest Tips for Contributors
- Slides from my 2019 ColdFusion Summit Las Vegas Talk
September 2019
- How to Run SQL Server on a Mac
- VirtualBox Error VT-x/AMD-V
- Why is my Apache httpd Alias Not Working?
- Passing Environment Variables to Sudo Command
- Development SSL / TLS with CommandBox
- Difference between cd - vs cd ~-
- ColdFusion Function Arguments now support Integer
- Limiting what htaccess files can do in Apache
August 2019
- Travis CI Error when installing oraclejdk8
- Tuning ColdFusion IIS Connectors
- Push Tomcat logs with the AWS CloudWatch Logs Agent
- Sending nginx access logs to CloudWatch Logs Agent
- Setup CloudWatch Logs Agent on Ubuntu
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
- What is the difference between ASCII Chr(10) and Chr(13)
- Fixinator and Foundeo Security Bundle
- Running CFML on AWS Lambda with FuseLess Slides
March 2019
February 2019
- ColdFusion returning empty response with server-error: true
- Careful applying CF11u16, CF2016u8, CF2018u2
- Sessions don't work in Chrome but do in IE
- csrfVerifyToken does not invalidate the token
- The cf_sql_ is optional in cfqueryparam