Is it necessary to cfqueryparam all values?
By Pete Freitag

I had a question today asking why Fixinator does not add cfqueryparam
to static values within a query. For example if you have this code:
<cfquery> INSERT INTO tbl (a, b) VALUES ( #a#, 'b' ) <cfquery>
When you run Fixinator's autofix on the above, it would give you:
<cfquery> INSERT INTO tbl (a, b) VALUES ( <cfqueryparam value="#a#">, 'b' ) <cfquery>
The above fixes the security issue in the code, and leaves the static value 'b'
alone. It would be perfectly valid to write the code like this:
<cfquery> INSERT INTO tbl (a, b) VALUES ( <cfqueryparam value="#a#">, <cfqueryparam value="b"> ) <cfquery>
However it isn't necessary from a security perspective, and if I had to guess I would imagine it would add a slight amount of unnecessary overhead (decreased performance).
Is it necessary to cfqueryparam all values? was first published on November 13, 2019.
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