Welcome to my new blog.
By Pete Freitag

I've just started notifying people of my new blog address today (petefreitag.com). I have setup two RSS feeds, the first petefreitag.com/rss/ has all categories, and the second feed petefreitag.com/rss/web/ will only have topics that web developers will care about. I don't think there will be too many OT entries, but this way you can opt out if you want.
The software that powers by blog is written in ColdFusion, and I decided to write it myself. I'm not sure what I'll do with the code yet, chances are it will be in the public domain soon enough. I'd like to add a few more features, and improve the admin interface before releasing it.
You might also want to check out my new web developer book shelf page.
Welcome to my new blog. was first published on November 11, 2003.