Using svn over ssh
By Pete Freitag

I was delighted to find that connecting to a subversion repository on a remote server over SSH was quite easy on my Mac (windows may be another story).
All you really need to do is install subversion on the remote server, the subversion install contains something called svnserve
that handles all the tunneling magic for you when you connect over SSH.
Now create a repository:
svnadmin create /home/svn/test
Now install the svn
client tools on your box. Now you can checkout the repository:
svn co svn+ssh://
That was much easier than I thought it was going to be!
I did run into a few permission issues but its pretty easy to fix those, you just need to make sure the user your connecting with over SSH has permission to read and write to the repository.
As I said connecting with windows may be another story, because windows doesn't come with a ssh
Using svn over ssh was first published on January 18, 2006.
If you like reading about ssh, svn, or subversion then you might also like:
- Blocking .svn and .git Directories on Apache or IIS
- Moving a Subversion Repository to Another Server
- Ignore Files and Directories in Subversion
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svnserve operates directly on the repository files (using file:/// urls), which means if you ever have two svnserve processes running at the same time, you can get contention, which usually results in a locked repository that has to be taken offline, repaired, and reenabled.
You'll run into the same issue if you combine svnserve and webdav access at the same time.
Bottom line, webdav is the best bet, since it uses a multithreaded server that can handle concurrency without corrupting your database. Apache also supports authentication with client certificates, if you're concerned about security.
I would have preferred connecting over Apache2 and webdav with HTTPS, but in this case I already have Apache 1.3 running, and can't use Apache 2 due to some other requirements, thus the SSH tunnel.
Luckily I don't think I will need to worry much about contention in this case since I will mainly be the only one using it for now.
You can still run Apache2 on a non-standard port. So Apache 1.3 on :80 for your web work, and then Apache2 on :81 (or whatever) for your SVN repositories. Not that it matters a whole lot if none of the SSH downsides are relevant, but for others who might come across this post looking for insight.
In my case its not worth the overhead of running another server, but it might be for some.
svn co svn+ssh://
Same syntax as SSH uses. It's actually probably not a mistake because from the command line it will prompt you for the username, but if you want to use it with a tool like TortoiseSVN, you need to pass it all in at once.
From the shell it will use your local username by default, in my case it was the same as the remote username so I omitted it. But thanks for pointing that out.
Any Help is appreciated.
svn+ssh://host:port/path dont work
ssh2222 = /usr/bin/ssh -p 2222 -l georgexsh
Instead of using "svn+ssh" you can now use "svn+ssh2222" instead (just change "2222" and "georgexsh" to your SSH port and username, respectively).
1. Can create new folders in the repository
2. Update the files created by themselves
3. Can not delete a delete even if they themselves created it
Why do I have a timeout problem, and is there some other way to access the repository that isn't subject to timeouts? With CVS, you could use ssh directly, and there was never a problem with timeouts.
In case you're not following what I mean with timeouts, if I do an svn diff or svn log or other command with lots of output, *and redirect (or pipe) the output*, then I (often) don't get it all. It's silently truncated.
As a work-around, I'm using script(1) and then doing the command without redirection. But that's terrible.
please help me..
Can i still make use tortoise svn client on windows.I mean mounting my remote work directory and then making use svn.