Related Posts
By Pete Freitag

As you may have noticed I recently added tags to my blog. The main reason I implemented tags was so that I could find related posts based on mutual tags. So if two posts have similar tags, they will show up in as related.
Here's how I find the related tags:
<cfquery datasource="#ds#" name="tags"> SELECT tag FROM blogtags WHERE entryid = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value=""> </cfquery> <cfif tags.recordcount> <cfquery datasource="#ds#" name="related"> SELECT e.title,, COUNT(t.entryid) FROM blogentries AS e, blogtags AS t WHERE t.entryid <> <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value=""> AND t.tag IN (<cfqueryparam list="true" value="#ValueList(tags.tag)#">) AND = t.entryid GROUP BY e.title, HAVING COUNT(t.entryid) > 1 ORDER BY COUNT(t.entryid) DESC LIMIT 5 </cfquery> ...display related entries </cfif>
I know, I'm using two database queries, and this could probably be done using one query, but I already need to run the tags
query to list the tags for the current entry.
The query pulls the 5 most related entries. In order for them to be related I require at least two common tags, that's what the HAVING COUNT(t.entryid) > 1
is for.
Related Posts was first published on April 08, 2005.
If you like reading about tags, sql, cfquery, databases, blog, folksonomy, or tagging then you might also like:
- Make your blog better with tags
- How To Make a Tag Cloud
- Visualization of my tags
- Amazon Adds Tagging
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