Query of Queries with maxrows bug
Published on June 18, 2003
By Pete Freitag
By Pete Freitag

I found a bug today in CFMX, CF5 executes the code as you would expect.
Essentially if you do a query of query with maxrows, and then do another q of q on that result, the resulting q of q is using the wrong query and returns the wrong number of rows.
<!--- make a query ---> <cfset q = QueryNew("a,b")> <cfset r = QueryAddRow(q)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "a", "a1", r)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "b", "b2", r)> <cfset r = QueryAddRow(q)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "a", "a2", r)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "b", "b3", r)> <cfset r = QueryAddRow(q)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "a", "a3", r)> <cfset QuerySetCell(q, "b", "b1", r)> <!--- dump it, 3 rows ---> <cfdump var="#q#"> <!--- select max rows of 2, 2 rows ---> <cfquery dbtype="query" name="result" maxrows="2"> SELECT * FROM q ORDER BY a DESC </cfquery> <cfdump var="#result#"> <!--- select everything from the 2 row query returns 3 rows? ---> <cfquery dbtype="query" name="result2"> SELECT * FROM result ORDER BY b DESC </cfquery> <cfdump var="#result2#" label="this should only have 2 rows, but it has 3">
I reported this to Macromedia, and they verified it as a bug.
Query of Queries with maxrows bug was first published on June 18, 2003.
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