Updated on December 06, 2023
By Pete Freitag
By Pete Freitag

#The lid of my snapple tells me that an octothorp is another name for the pound / number / hash sign... the # symbol. Quite a familiar glyph for CF developers.
According to Octothorp press, the word is so obscure that it isn't even in the Oxford English Dictionary. Its also not currently found in the Wikipedia (or my spell checker).
I suppose the Octo prefix is because it has eight points.
Octothorp was first published on August 01, 2005.
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Cool word... I was surprised to hear that "@" is called "snail". More words like this...?
by John Dowdell on 08/01/2005 at 11:23:09 AM UTC
snail - I like it!
by Pete Freitag on 08/01/2005 at 11:24:58 AM UTC