If-Modified-Since and CFML Part II
By Pete Freitag

Now that you know how handle HTTP requests with the If-Modified-Since header in ColdFusion, lets take a look at how you might write a HTTP client using CFHTTP that sends If-Modified-Since headers:
<cfset lastCheckDate = GetHttpTimeString(DateAdd("d", -7, Now()))> <cfhttp url="https://www.petefreitag.com/rss/" method="get" > <cfhttpparam type="header" name="If-Modified-Since" value="#lastCheckDate#"> </cfhttp> <cfif cfhttp.responseheader.status_code EQ 304> <h1>Content HAS NOT Changed since <cfoutput>#lastCheckDate#</cfoutput></h1> <cfelseif cfhttp.responseheader.status_code EQ 200> <h1>Content has changed since <cfoutput>#lastCheckDate#</cfoutput></h1> </cfif> <cfdump var="#cfhttp#">
I just use the cfhttpparam tag to send the If-Modified-Since value. Again you need to format your date with GetHttpTimeString()
The date I supplied in this example is one week ago. You can remove the DateAdd, and just use Now() to check and see if the file has been modified.
Some servers may reject a date that is greater than their server time, so keep that in mind when testing.
If-Modified-Since and CFML Part II was first published on February 18, 2005.
If you like reading about cfml, if-modified-since, or rss then you might also like:
- If-Modified-Since and CFML Part III
- Supporting If-Modified-Since HTTP header in CFML
- 9 Ways to Save Bandwidth on your RSS Feed
- Parsing RSS 1.0 with ColdFusion MX
The FuseGuard Web Application Firewall for ColdFusion & CFML is a high performance, customizable engine that blocks various attacks against your ColdFusion applications.
In terms of RSS, you should generally avoid (read: almost never) send an If-Modified-Since that isn't derived from a Last-Modified you've previously received from the target server. Doing otherwise will lead to highly unpredictable results.