Getting ColdFusion Server Metrics
Published on December 16, 2003
By Pete Freitag
By Pete Freitag

The often forgoten function GetMetricData()
function returns the same info as the cfstat
utility. Here's an example:
<cfset metrics = GetMetricData("PERF_MONITOR")> <cfoutput> ColdFusion Server Metrics: <br> <br> InstanceName: #metrics.InstanceName# <br> PageHits: #metrics.PageHits# <br> ReqQueued: #metrics.ReqQueued# <br> DBHits: #metrics.DBHits# <br> ReqRunning: #metrics.ReqRunning# <br> ReqTimedOut: #metrics.ReqTimedOut# <br> BytesIn: #metrics.BytesIn# <br> BytesOut: #metrics.BytesOut# <br> AvgQueueTime: #metrics.AvgQueueTime# <br> AvgReqTime: #metrics.AvgReqTime# <br> AvgDBTime: #metrics.AvgDBTime# <br> CachePops: #metrics.CachePops# <br> Simple Load: #GetMetricData("SIMPLE_LOAD")#<br> Prev Request Time: #GetMetricData("PREV_REQ_TIME")#ms<br> Avg Request Time: #GetMetricData("AVG_REQ_TIME")#ms<br> </cfoutput>
I had always thought it would be interesting to write a scheduled task to record these values in a database, and then generate reports.
Getting ColdFusion Server Metrics was first published on December 16, 2003.
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Interesting, running this on a CF5 server seems to restart the CF service. Any idea why?
by Brian on 01/18/2004 at 10:10:59 AM UTC
No idea, that should work on a CF5 server as well.
by Pete Freitag on 01/20/2004 at 11:40:57 PM UTC
Will the GetMetricData() work on the J2EE version of MX?
by Matt on 02/18/2004 at 1:40:53 PM UTC
Does this work on cf 8 standard?
by Craig M. Rosenblum on 10/19/2009 at 1:55:43 PM UTC
@Craig - Yes it does work on CF 8 Standard.
by Pete Freitag on 10/19/2009 at 3:15:37 PM UTC