Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

Web Application Security Blog Aggregator

Published on July 09, 2007
By Pete Freitag

Christian Matthies has recently setup an aggregator for web application security related blogs called Planet Web Security (update, I've removed the link because it no longer points to the same site). Highly recommended for staying on top of the latest web application security threats and exploits.

security web application security aggregator

Web Application Security Blog Aggregator was first published on July 09, 2007.

Weekly Security Advisories Email

Advisory Week is a new weekly email containing security advisories published by major software vendors (Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, etc).


i want to know that how it is Highly recommended for staying on top of the latest web application security???
by Sanket Panchal on 10/14/2009 at 6:03:11 AM UTC