Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

Locking Down ColdFusion Presentation Slides

Published on August 04, 2010
By Pete Freitag

The slides for my 2010 CFUnited presentation Locking Down ColdFusion are now available. The presentation is based on the ColDFusion 9 Lockdown Guide whitepaper that I wrote for Adobe. It covers various techniques to make your ColdFusion installation more secure.

I also presented on Writing Secure CFML at CFUnited which as you can probably gather is more dedicated to the coding side of things. Those slides will be available soon.

Click Here to download Locking Down ColdFusion Slides

coldfusion security administrator

Locking Down ColdFusion Presentation Slides was first published on August 04, 2010.

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Your link to the guide on Adobe's website is broken. Also, you have a capital "D" in ColdFusion (e.g. ColDFusion).


by Christian N. Abad on 06/12/2012 at 10:43:23 AM UTC