Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

More Info about ColdFusion MX on Redhat 8

Published on February 13, 2003
By Pete Freitag

Dustin Krysak contacted me in response to a recent blog entry ColdFusion MX works on Redhat 8. He me provided a detailed checklist for installing ColdFusion MX on Redhat 8, and allowed me to post it here: Steps Taken to Install CFMX on RedHat 8.

I should point out that Verity doesn't work on Redhat 8, and Redhat 8 still isn't officially supported by Macromedia. Steven Erat posted this message today on the CF-Talk mailing list "Just a word of caution, although most features of CFMX run on Red Hat 8.0, its not a supported version. The main problem is that binary files used in Verity won't work. There may be some other binary files used for other features and they won't work either."

Too bad verity isn't written in Java, maybe Macromedia can persuade Verity to do so (hint hint).

More Info about ColdFusion MX on Redhat 8 was first published on February 13, 2003.

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