Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

Simple Flex Tutorial

Updated on November 17, 2023
By Pete Freitag

I've been learning Flex for a presentation at my local CFUG, and I'm actually quite impressed with how much you can do with so little code.

However, most of the Flex tutorials I have found are very long and over simplified, so I've created a simple blog reader in 23 lines of MXML code to use as a tutorial. Here's what our Flex Application will look like:

flex blog reader screen shot

How does the example work?

When you click the Load Blog Entries button my RSS feed entries are loaded into the datagrid. When you click on a row in the datagrid the corresponding entry is loaded into the text area.

Step 1 - XML and Application declaration

Start your XML file with a XML declaration, and an mx:Application tag:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

Step 2 - Define your HTTPService

Our first step is to define the HTTPService that we will use to connect to my RSS feed. We will give an id of httpRSS so we can refer back to it.

<mx:HTTPService id="httpRSS" url="" resultFormat="object" />

Step 3 - Enclose your controls within a panel

A panel is simply a container to put controls (the DataGrid, TextArea, and Button) into. We are going to set some attributes on the panel as well, it should be pretty easy to figure out what they mean:

<mx:Panel id="reader" title="Pete Freitag's Blog Reader" width="500">

Step 4 - Define your DataGrid

We are using the DataGrid component to display the list of blog entries in my RSS feed, along with their date.

This step is probably the most complicated step because we have to bind our RSS xml data to the datagrid, and define an event handler when the rows are clicked.

In the attributes of the DataGrid we are using dynamic variables or expressions denoted by the curly braces {variable}.

<mx:DataGrid id="entries" width="{reader.width-15}" dataProvider="{}" cellPress="{[entries.selectedIndex].description}">
      <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="title" headerText="Title" />
      <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="pubDate" headerText="Date" />

Ok so there is a lot going on there, first so I'll break it down a bit:


We are setting the width dynamically based on the size of its parent panel reader, specifically we set it to be 15 pixels narrower than its panel.


In the dataProvider attribute we are binding the data for this grid to the result of our HTTPService named httpRSS. More specifically we want to bind each item tag in our XML file to a row in the datagrid. Since the item tags are inside the rss and channel tags we refer to it the array of items as


Next we want to create an event handler that will display the contents of the description tag inside the item that is clicked on. Using the variable entries.selectedIndex we know which item was clicked on, and we can refer to the description (the entry body) of that item as:[entries.selectedIndex].description.

Now we just need to set the value of our TextArea which we will define in the next step to the rss item description, so we simply assign that value to the htmlText property of the TextArea (whose name will be body).


Now we need to define which columns we are to display in the datagrid. The columnName must match the tag name that we want it to correspond to.

Step 5 - Define the TextArea

Use the mx:TextArea tag to define the text area where the entry body will go:

<mx:TextArea id="body" editable="false" width="{reader.width-15}" height="300" />

Step 6 - Create a Button

Our last control to define is a Button which will simply tell the HTTPService to make the request.

<mx:Button label="Load Blog Entries" click="{httpRSS.send()}" />

In the click event handler we call the send() method on our HTTPService object.

Step 7 - Close Panel and Application

Simply close some tags, and your done!


One Caveat

Flex 1.5 uses a proxy to invoke HTTPService calls, and other remote service calls, and for security reasons the proxy will block the HTTP call. You add the RSS feed url (or simply http://*) to the proxy whitelist in your flex-config.xml. See this KB article 19251 for more info.

Complete MXML source code:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

 <mx:HTTPService id="httpRSS" url="" resultFormat="object" />

 <mx:Panel id="reader" title="Pete Freitag's Blog Reader" width="500">

  <mx:DataGrid id="entries" width="{reader.width-15}" dataProvider="{}" cellPress="{[entries.selectedIndex].description}">
        <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="title" headerText="Title" />
        <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="pubDate" headerText="Date" />

  <mx:TextArea id="body" editable="false" width="{reader.width-15}" height="300" />

  <mx:Button label="Load Blog Entries" click="{httpRSS.send()}" />

flex mxml tutorial rss xml

Simple Flex Tutorial was first published on November 07, 2005.

If you like reading about flex, mxml, tutorial, rss, or xml then you might also like:

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When I compile the MXML in your example it takes exception to the applicaion line:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

I think it should read:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
by Doug Cain on 11/07/2005 at 4:46:58 PM UTC
Doug, Are you running this on Flex 1.5 or Flex 2.0, I have tested this on 1.5 but not Flex 2.0
by Pete Freitag on 11/07/2005 at 5:08:54 PM UTC
Nice job, Pete ...
by Scott Fitchet on 11/07/2005 at 6:02:11 PM UTC
To make this work in the Flex 2.0 alpha:

1) Modify the namespace URL as suggested above.

2) Change the two places where "{reader.width-15}" occurs to "100%", as the data binding expressions cause unwanted scrollbars to appear in the alpha.
by Sho Kuwamoto on 11/08/2005 at 7:57:02 PM UTC
Thanks Scott, and thanks for the tips Sho!
by Pete Freitag on 11/08/2005 at 9:03:11 PM UTC
Can show an example to convert an .aspx page to Flex
by gaurav on 12/05/2005 at 12:35:44 AM UTC
Hi Pete, I know you are busy with stuff but I get errors with this one when using Flex 2.0 Beta.. I did what Sho told to do and I get this error:

"TypeError: Error #1010: undefined has no properties.
at Peter/__entries_cellPress()
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchReplayableInteraction()
at mx.controls::DataGrid/mouseDownHandler()

After that It will work,strange..
by vesa on 02/24/2006 at 9:35:04 AM UTC
Hmm I'm using flex builder 2.0 beta 3 and I get the following errors:

Design mode: Error updating attributes for item DataGrid "entries".
Cannot resolve attribute 'columnName' for component type mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn.
Cannot resolve attribute 'columnName' for component type mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn.
Cannot resolve attribute 'cellPress' for component type mx.controls.DataGrid.

Does anyone know how to fix these problems?

by Kees on 05/11/2006 at 6:50:48 AM UTC
I've made some adjustments but it won't work in flex 2...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:HTTPService id="RSSfeed" url="" resultFormat="object" />

<mx:Panel width="372" height="330" layout="absolute" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="-37.5" title="XML lezen">
<mx:DataGrid x="28" y="10" width="296" id="entries" dataProvider="{}" click="{[entries.selectedIndex].description}">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="title" headerText="Titel"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="pubDate" headerText="Datum"/>
<mx:TextArea x="28" y="160" width="296" height="90" id="body" />
<mx:Button x="143" y="258" label="Check" click="{RSSfeed.send()}"/>

Can anyone help me? Thnx in advance!
by Pete on 05/16/2006 at 8:29:55 AM UTC
Thanks for the sample. I got it working nicely with 2.0, and PHP.

aka flex newb
by Nac on 06/29/2006 at 1:04:24 AM UTC
Thank you for this example.. I would also love to see an example of accessing an MSAcess or MSSql database via an ASP page...
by doc_x on 07/10/2006 at 2:55:09 PM UTC
Hey Pete,
Could you put up some more interesting examples? I found this similar exercise in the Adobe tutorials too.
by Ron on 11/08/2006 at 3:24:00 AM UTC
Hello Mr. Freitag,

I have a problem in flex and hope that you or anybody else can help us.

I have a problem with the MenuBar and a question to delete a component out of storage.

1. We have implemented the MenuBar, which was filled dynamically with XML data.

Sporadically it will appear following fault, if we "mousover" the root layer.

RangeError: Error #2006: Der angegebene Index liegt außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChildAt()
at mx.managers::SystemManager/
at mx.managers::SystemManager/addChild()
at mx.managers::PopUpManager$/addPopUp()
at mx.controls::Menu/show()
at mx.controls::MenuBar/::showMenu()
at mx.controls::MenuBar/::mouseOverHandler()

Here a abrid ged version of our XML to create the MenuBar:

<menu label="Artikel">
<menu label="Artikel anlegen" data="new_article" />
<menu label="Artikel bearbeiten" data="edit_article" />
<menu label="Verpackung">
<menu label="Verpackung anlegen" data="new_package" />
<menu label="Verpackung bearbeiten" data="edit_package" />
<menu label="Materialgruppe">
<menu label="Materialgruppe anlegen" data="new_materialgroup" />
<menu label="Materialgruppe bearbeiten" data="edit_materialgroup" />

It is a well-formed XML.

2. Delete a component out of storage
We have some own components (basically forms), which will be created and shown by an construct e.g.
var myComponent : T_Component = new T_Component ;

Some of our forms will be created in an popup. On every call of the popup, we lost 5 mb or more, all childs on the windows will be removed by formname.removeAllChild();
What cann we do, that the garbage collector will dispose this objects.
Is there a way to show all objects with references (NOT NULL)?

I have read in the Flex Help, that this.removeChild(myComponent) not delete the form and/or object out of the storage.
Rather the object must be destroyed.

It is sufficient to call delete(myComponent) about remove this object out of the storage as the case may be that the garbage-collector remove this object at any time?
Or how can I destroy a component correctly. What happens with the widgets on this component e.g. input fields or datagrids?
Are they also being deleted?

Thanks for your help.

by Matze on 11/29/2006 at 8:24:27 AM UTC
i am new to flex?

plz can u let me know about flex?
by nithya on 12/07/2006 at 11:02:25 PM UTC
i am new to flex?plz can u let me know about flex?
by lekha on 01/19/2007 at 11:04:33 PM UTC
I want to ask how to use the httpservice works. I mean what if i want to get data from a local file? I'm sorry if the question seem stupid but i am new to this.
can you put something like a localhost in the parameters of httpservice?
by steven on 04/02/2007 at 11:23:00 PM UTC
How to put navigation bar using mxml,i'm new to flex.
by Balasubramanian on 04/03/2007 at 4:49:24 AM UTC
how can i bind the data of DataGrid row on the Onclick event to the column chart in Flex 2.0
pls tell me
by Aysha on 07/03/2007 at 10:51:32 PM UTC
Hi,,,I need to connect the flex in the mysql,,, dont know how to connect,,, can any one help me,. for connecting with database...
by Balaji on 08/24/2007 at 2:33:50 AM UTC
A full body x-ray scan is an effective method of maintaining a high level of security
by Lee on 10/03/2007 at 7:48:11 PM UTC
Hello all,

I hae two weeks to build out a report module to a Flex 2.0 project using ColdFusion and MSSQL as a backend.

Up until now, I've only worked with PHP and Rails (both using MySQL).

The report is a little intense, but it is in a spreadsheet format. Are there any recommendations in terms of tutorials on built-in report features in Flex 2.0 as well as export functionality to different office/adobe document formats?
by Alan Garcia on 10/04/2007 at 9:39:38 PM UTC
I had tried that above example and made changes as Click and DataField too. But still I am getting this error "1119: Access of possibly undefined property result through a reference with static type mx.rpc.http.mxml:HTTPService. testing/src testing.mxml"

Pls anyone can explain me...
by manisha on 10/22/2007 at 11:08:19 AM UTC
Hi all hope all doing well in flex... i am doing the connectivity for Mysql through webservice, i can able to get the data from database. now need to do the circle of Insert, edit, delete.. send me if anyone knows about this,,
by Balaji on 11/12/2007 at 3:54:51 AM UTC
This tutorial is three years old. Does it still work??
by james on 05/07/2008 at 3:26:13 PM UTC

On 10/11/2007 at 8:41:55 AM MDT ibitus wrote:
38 Hi Pete, thank you for this nice Reader!
Some RSS-Feeds are working fine and some bring the Error-Message: [RPC Fault faultString="Security error accessing url" faultCode="Channel.Security.Error" faultDetail="Destination: DefaultHTTP"] at mx.rpc::AbstractInvoker/ at mx.rpc::Responder/fault() at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault() at ::DirectHTTPMessageResponder/securityErrorHandler() at at at

What is going wrong ?

I am also getting the same error.

My file runs fine when i run from Flex. but when i copy the folder to another location, it gives me this error.
Any solutions??
by Taran on 05/11/2008 at 7:27:36 AM UTC
Thanks for the tutorial and for the comments. It worked and made sense.
by hippity on 05/23/2008 at 9:50:52 AM UTC
Great tutorial. Implemented it on Flex 3, and with above-mentioned changes, it works!
by Mike on 06/09/2008 at 8:19:07 AM UTC
very excellent. U should provide us Free Source code
by GH on 06/29/2008 at 4:03:02 AM UTC
This tutorial Rocked!!

I know absolutely nothing about Flex, yet I got this app working in about 30 minutes after reading the whole thing through once. The changes in the comments are necessary for Flex Builder 3.0 as well, just FYI.

by David B on 07/08/2008 at 9:46:51 AM UTC
Hi! Thanks to Mr. John Henry's, touriste's comments, its really helpful. And thanks to Mr. Freitag as well, it's really helpful.

It run successfully in Flex 3 here's the edited code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
<mx:HTTPService id="httpRSS" url="" resultFormat="object"/>
<mx:Panel id="reader" title="Pete Freitag's Blog Reader" width="500">
<mx:DataGrid id="entries" width="100%" dataProvider="{}" itemClick="{[entries.selectedIndex].description}">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="title" headerText="Title" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="pubDate" headerText="Date" />
<mx:TextArea id="body" editable="false" width="100%" height="300"/>
<mx:Button label="Load Blog Entries" click="{httpRSS.send()}" />
by Lora on 08/07/2008 at 3:31:17 AM UTC
i am new to Flex, in my application, i have JSP to Display the Data coming from Struts. but i want to display the data using Flex not with JSP. is it possible. give me your valuable suggestion to my [email protected]

by Abdul Areef A on 11/03/2008 at 10:53:23 AM UTC
i am new to Flex, in my application, i have JSP to Display the Data coming from Struts. but i want to display the data using Flex not with JSP. is it possible. give me your valuable suggestion to my [email protected]

by Abdul Areef A on 11/03/2008 at 11:50:30 PM UTC

First of all thanks for such a wonderful blog.

I am using your technique to display the contents in a text area when an entry is clicked in a DataGrid.

This what I use in DataGrid:

This works fine except for the case when the grid has just one entry. In this case when I click on the entry it gives an error:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.

Can you please guide with this one,

by chintan on 12/24/2008 at 7:53:38 AM UTC
First, and seriously, thanks for the cool example. Now - can you help me write some flex code to do the dishes and put away my laundry? OK - back to serious - anyone who has read all the posts this far will know how to modify the original example so that it works. If you don't - go back and read again. Hey there's even code back there that will do your dishes!
by Mark on 02/02/2009 at 1:09:21 PM UTC
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="{httpRSS.send()}" >
<mx:HTTPService id="httpRSS" url="your_site_name_here" />

Completed code with auto load
<mx:Panel id="reader" title="Pete Freitag's Blog Reader" width="500">

<mx:DataGrid id="entries" width="{reader.width-15}" dataProvider="{}"> <mx:columns> <mx:Array> <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="title" headerText="Title" /> <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="pubDate" headerText="Date" /> </mx:Array> </mx:columns> </mx:DataGrid>

<mx:TextArea id="body" editable="false" width="{reader.width-15}" height="300" htmlText="{entries.selectedItem.description}" />
by Rob on 02/06/2009 at 4:02:46 PM UTC
I am using Flex builder 3 for this tutorial. I am very new to Flex and when I released this project to an html file the text field is not editable, nor is the load blog entries button working. I uploaded the project with the swf, html and js file, I entered the url for my website into the http field, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Could someone please give me some tips? Thanks.
by Keisha on 02/21/2009 at 1:58:43 PM UTC
I want to learn flex. plz any one can give the link for the tutorials and examples with source code.
by ravi on 05/03/2009 at 11:27:04 PM UTC
Excellent Pete.This is very good example for a starter like me.Thanks...
by ravi kumar on 05/18/2009 at 3:04:51 AM UTC
How would you make the button cycle through different RSS feeds? I've been working at this for hours now and can't quite figure it out. I'm sure it's a quick fix for someone who knows what they're doing..

Thanks so much in advance!
by thiazzi on 06/10/2009 at 1:01:39 PM UTC
I have written more on the power of Flex and handling browser links with Flex here:
by Gabriel Ungureanu on 06/20/2009 at 9:46:47 PM UTC
I am new to Flex, in my application, i need help of learning materials, creating sample coding,how to linking internet application through source code.
by Manivas on 11/26/2009 at 8:06:16 PM UTC
im using Flex builder 3,it says that there is no attribute called "cellPress" in dataGrid.what is the reason for this??if you can email me the answer it is better...
by udara on 12/18/2009 at 10:13:43 PM UTC
hai pls any one help to me regarding flex Technology
by suresh on 01/13/2010 at 1:56:38 AM UTC
hai am getinf this error Access of possibly undefined property result through a reference with static type mx.rpc.http.mxml:HTTPService.
by maria on 01/29/2010 at 4:34:44 AM UTC
Could you just tell me the advantage of using flex controls instead of .net controls.
by Krish on 02/10/2010 at 12:40:27 AM UTC
hi.. i am new to flex.. can u please explain code of how navigations occur in flex.??
by swapna on 02/22/2010 at 11:07:53 AM UTC
Hello, I have no background whatsoever in Flex Builder 3. But I've been asled to edit a project that produces an swf file which is then attached to a webpage. Problem is, although I've changed the code and have rebuilt it, the swf file produced does not reflect the changes I made. Is there a key principle to rebuilding a project that's unique to Flex that I could've missed?
by Jon on 03/02/2010 at 2:45:20 AM UTC
what is the meaning of mx and we are using this mx.
by tinku on 03/23/2010 at 2:01:31 PM UTC
Pros of Flex:

Truely platform independent, supported on various hardware and operating systems and truely working everywhere great.
Open Source makes it really easy to understand and extend the functionality.
Every control/component can be extended and there are less restrictions overriding default behaviour.
The most easy way to create new components, you can have mxml derive from any control and extend them with extensive binding
Flex contains lots of controls and you dont need any third party library
by Vadim Slutsky on 05/31/2010 at 7:36:32 AM UTC
How to set file path in flex to connect sqlite database
by surya on 12/09/2010 at 6:58:33 AM UTC
hi!will u help me to find a expression that, how can we color a particular row in a "c1flexgrid".

by soumik mukherjee on 02/21/2011 at 11:11:53 AM UTC
i have to populate my datagrid with the arraylist which is returned by my jaava code. i tried all the means but no progress. am returning an arraylist as
{System.out.println("hai stupid");
System.out.println("hai ");

on the other hand in my flex prg am calling<b>
public var dp:ArrayCollection;
in result handler <b>
dp = (event.result as ArrayCollection);
where dp is my dataprovider.

plz give me a solution how i shud populate my datagrid.

by asha on 02/28/2011 at 6:42:41 AM UTC
i have to populate my datagrid with the arraylist which is returned by my jaava code. i tried all the means but no progress. am returning an arraylist as
{System.out.println("hai stupid");
System.out.println("hai ");

on the other hand in my flex prg am calling<b>
public var dp:ArrayCollection;
in result handler <b>
dp = (event.result as ArrayCollection);
where dp is my dataprovider.

plz give me a solution how i shud populate my datagrid.

by asha on 02/28/2011 at 6:44:26 AM UTC
i am new to flex?

plz can u let me know about flex?

& vedio tutorials also
by Raju on 06/02/2011 at 6:02:54 AM UTC
nice post thanks for posting
by dreamdezign on 06/13/2011 at 6:52:15 AM UTC
i want to learn adobe flex .now any body knows to mostly use ful tutorial adobe flex pl z ...
by abdulrahim on 06/23/2011 at 3:05:13 PM UTC
nice post pete but i'm fresher please let me know more use full tutorial site and posted by u!!!!!
by ikr on 08/19/2011 at 6:53:29 AM UTC