Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

jQuery UI Autocomple IE 6 Select List z-Index Issues

Published on August 16, 2010
By Pete Freitag

If you are using jQuery UI's Autocomplete control, your IE6 users may experience some issues when the autocomplete suggestions overlay a HTML <select> list. The autocomplete suggestions show up behind the select list in Internet Explorer 6.

To fix this you need to simply include the bgiframe plugin in a script tag on your page. The jQuery UI autocomplete control will detect bgiframe and use it to fix itself for IE6.

jquery jqueryui autocomplete javascript js

jQuery UI Autocomple IE 6 Select List z-Index Issues was first published on August 16, 2010.

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Sorry, I don't have time to get into diaetls with that right now. Maybe some one here has done CSS customizations and could help you? Cheers, Jami
by Nik on 02/26/2012 at 2:56:49 AM UTC