Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

I'm Back

Published on May 27, 2003
By Pete Freitag

I've been out of town quite a bit this month, thus the absence of posts. In the beginning of the month I was at the ColdFusion Cruise-n-Learn, it was a great time - I look forward to the next one (word has it that it will be leaving from the west cost, and possibly going to Alaska). Feedback from this cruise was great, the attendees actually did learn a lot, and it wasn't just a week of vacation so tell your boss, and sign up next year.

I was also hiking Mt. Marcy this weekend, which has nothing to do with ColdFusion, but it concluded my excursions this month. So I'll be back to normal for a while I think.

I'm Back was first published on May 27, 2003.

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