Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

New products at CFDEV

Updated on November 02, 2021
By Pete Freitag

We have two new products at cfdev, one has already been released, the other is in beta.

The first is a spell checker for flash text boxes, it was released a few weeks ago.

The second product, which I have been working on for the past few months is a ColdFusion Code Review tool. It is a ColdFusion application that runs through your code and finds security, performance, accessibility, and other issues and then generates a report. Each rule has a document online (that anyone can use) that explains how and why to fix the issue. Check those out here: there are over 30 rules currently, and you can easily write your own (4 lines of CFML code).

Update 2019: That code review tool mentioned in this blog entry is way old, and is no longer available, but I do have a new tool called Fixinator, that finds CFML security issues in your code.

New products at CFDEV was first published on July 17, 2003.


The Fixinator Code Security Scanner for ColdFusion & CFML is an easy to use security tool that every CF developer can use. It can also easily integrate into CI for automatic scanning on every commit.

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