Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

cfdirectory adds recursive support - Little Things in CFMX 7

Updated on November 14, 2023
By Pete Freitag

I know I have written recursive custom tags, and functions (more than once) to solve this problem in the past, but now you can just add a simple recurse="true" to your cfdirectory tags in ColdFusion MX 7.0

<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#ExpandPath("./")#" name="dir" recurse="true">
<cfdump var="#dir#">

You can also recursively delete directories. If only you could copy directories recursively (hint hint ColdFusion 8?)

cfdirectory coldfusion 7 cfml

cfdirectory adds recursive support - Little Things in CFMX 7 was first published on February 10, 2005.

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Please, notice that the Dreamweaver MX extension for coldfusion MX7 will offer "yes" or "no" as options for the "recurse" attribute. It makes Coldfusion throw an error.
Use "true", as indicated in the post this comment belongs to.
by irvin on 03/02/2005 at 6:13:39 PM UTC
After applying the CFMX7 client variable hot patch, the default database isolation level is changed from "read_committed" to "serializeable". Macromedia admits that (please see cftransaction documentation) that serializeable is NOT opptimal for database usage. As such, without wrapping a cftransaction around each query, how can I reset the default isolation level globally for the datasource back to "read_committed". Very interesting development in CFMX7. Thoughts?
by Rich W. on 09/28/2005 at 4:42:50 PM UTC
After applying the CFMX7 client variable hot patch, the default database isolation level is changed from "read_committed" to "serializeable". Macromedia admits that (please see cftransaction documentation) that serializeable is NOT opptimal for database usage. As such, without wrapping a cftransaction around each query, how can I reset the default isolation level globally for the datasource back to "read_committed". Very interesting development in CFMX7. Thoughts?
by Rich W. on 09/28/2005 at 4:43:55 PM UTC